Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Journalizing Your Stitching Projects
I think that it is a great idea. There are other wonderful articles in that blog that may interest you as well.
Sharing stitches....
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Yesterday's Joke
Me: Do you think I am going to make it to 39 weeks?
OB: Of course! Why? Don't you??
Me: Well, I am soooooo exhausted, I can barely function.
OB: Oh, you have nothing to worry about 43 is the new 33.
Me: Uh.. Uh.. I remember having my son at 33 and it was nothing like this. Someone has been lying to you.
LOL...... you had to be there to hear the joke and the laughter.... but I do say, I will not do this at 53. Uh uh.. no, no way. I pass on that one.
Funny stitches......
Gifts... Expected and Unexpected
This year, I remained the same and was pleased with the small items I received. They were thoughtful and I did need them so I was pleasantly surprised and had a wonderful Christmas. I must say, that it is not the gifts that make Christmas, it is the sense of warmth and family that make it Christmas for me. Having my son, hubby and baby-to-be at Christmas was good enough for me.
So, yesterday it was my sonogram day and I had expectations. My major expectation was to get a sonogram picture, preferrably 3D of my daughter. I expected it and I did not think it was a huge expectation especially since I am pregnant and at almost 33 weeks, I think that it is time to see her face. After 20 minutes of prodding, shaking and my becoming sorer and sorer it was evident that such a picture was not meant to be. My dear daughter had her back to me and her face buried near my spine and on top of my kidney. (No wonder I have had such a backache for 2 days.) How she manages to this is beyond me. The last time, she was facing my back with her feet in front of her face and her hands in fists in front of her feet. Where did she get so limber? Must be from hubby's side because I can barely sit in yoga position. Well, there went that gift expectation. Although I am glad that she is healthy and thriving daily. I guess she wants to surprise me with her beauty when she is born. I will have to wait.
Since I was not thrilled of not getting the picture that I wanted for so long, hubby asked me if I wanted to go to a "cuchifriteria" at 116 street and Spanish Harlem. A "cuchifriteria" is a restaurant where they serve Puerto Rican and Dominican fried foods. My son who cannot speak Spanish to save his life, knows what an "alcapurria" and "pasteles" are, so you know I love those. This offer was very unexpected because traffic in Spanish Harlem is horrible, parking is non-existent and the city traffic is a headache. I had not been there is about 20 years, so I was very tempted to go to the best "Cuchifriteria" in the city. There are only four that I know of, one in Delancey (closed down), one in Sunset Park, Brooklyn (very far), one in Fordham, The Bronx (haven't been there in at least 25 years) and the one in Spanish Harlem (far from us, but fairly near the hospital I will deliver my daughter in. So, this is not an offer I will refuse seeing that I will not be back in that area after March 2010). Maybe we will go once more prior to March, but after that it may be another 10 years before we go back.
By the way, an "alcapurria" is cooked and mashed green banana dough filled with ground beef and fried in hot oil. "Pasteles" are banana meat pies stuffed with pork which are boiled. Not many people like these cholesterol filled delicacies, but since I have not had them in practically a lifetime, I whole-heartedly said "YES".
$50.50 cents later I had bags filled with dozens of these concoctions and hubby and I are still enjoying them. I shared with my mom who hadn't seen any of these items in at least 30 years and she was shocked that the restaurant was still there. So that was her unexpected gift this year. That simple gift brought much joy to all of us.
Just thought I would share that part of my day with you.
Sharing stitches......
Friday, December 25, 2009
Magical Christmas to all!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Goals for 2010
Right now I will go with the flow. Non-obligation stitching for me. I will stitch what I want when I want. I will not restrict myself to a timetable. I want to have fun stitching, even if it is only one really nice project that is completed next year, I will feel joy stitching it.
In my mind blogging and stitching should be enjoyable hobbies, not things one does because one has a timetable to follow.
My biggest goal for 2010 is to enjoy life and family. It is much to short to put on a timetable.
Happy stitches....
Saturday, December 19, 2009
HUGE THANK YOU to Two Wonderful people
My first thank you goes to a lady that passed me a $10 coupon at Macy's when I was sitting off-line waiting for my hubby to purchase our little girls outerwear for when she comes home from the hospital. We picked up two great snowsuits at awesome prices. Those are really going to come in handy in the middle of winter.
The second thank you goes to a messageboard member that offered me her chart of a pattern I was looking for to make for next Christmas. In exchange I have agreed to offer a PIF / pass on something special on that messageboard. But I will do one better, I will also offer something on my blog as well. I just have to get somethings ready. Expect that PIF on this blog by the beginning of January.
These two gifts meant a lot to me because I am trying to spend most of our money on baby things since we are not expecting a baby shower. (Nothing to be sad about. I actually prefer that especially since I am feeling so tired all the time and really not in the mood to have any parties.) The most important thing for us is that the baby is healthy. That alone is the biggest blessing we can ask for.
Thankful stitches.....
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Getting in Touch with my Feminine Side
These days I am very lucky to be able to stay home and bake this little girl a bit longer. Hopefully some of this time will turn into cross stitching time because I am really upset with a purple sweater I am currently knitting. The pattern has an error in it and I am pretty upset, having done so much on it to see that it is a stitch off. So I am going to cool off by cross stitching.
Healthy stitches......
Monday, December 14, 2009
I'm so excited
My son will be a big brother, hubby will be a daddy again to a little girl. Just these things make life so great! Maybe I am sappy, but I can't stop thinking how blessed I am to become a mommy again.
Physically, I feel like a soccer ball that is being kicked relentlessly, but it's such a miracle to have her inside me and I just can't wait to see her in 9 weeks.
Thankful stitches......
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Knitting tips from me to you
We did not even dare to shop on Black Friday. Our first and only attempt was yesterday at 3:00 pm and after 15 minutes at Target, we lined up, paid for our minute purchases of 3 stocking stuffers and one pink velour hoodie for our baby girl.
Why so little and so late?? With my other pregnancies, we started early... pretty much as soon as we knew. This time the doctors were so negative and so cautious that all throughout the first trimester we were preparing for the worst everyday. By the way, that is a horrible way to live. Now, the docs (new docs) are confident I will make it to 41 weeks. How????? Well, she definitely excellently well, me, pretty much..... barely..... at this point, only knitting and sheer willpower get me through.
That is where the knitting tips come in. No, I am not going to lecture on the importance of a swatch. I don't make them. My reasoning is that I am making baby blankets and that I am making baby sweaters. If they are a tad big, that is an extra plus. Now, if I were making items for myself, or other adults, I would follow the exact measurements.
First tip: Easier cast on
If you are having issues casting on, use a crochet hook to pull the stitch through and then loop it around the knitting needle. I find this really useful when casting on aluminum circular needles.
Second tip: Count stitches
Count your stitches regularly. After you cast on, count at least twice. Once you finish your ribbing, count your stitches. Lastly, as your knitting progresses count regularly. I know that this is a pain, but stitch dropping is so easy even for experts. Sometimes, you drop a stitch, or forget a yarn over...... this is life, I know that you can count because we are counted cross stitchers. We still have to count when we knit.
Third tip: Look, look, look at your knitting
I know that you have probably counted all your stitches and think you are okay, but you also have to look at what you have knitted. Sometimes, life happens and a stitch is purled instead of knitted, a yarn over is missed, the pattern is coming out crooked and you don't understand why, so you have to rip LOTS of work which is painful. Instead, look every five or so rows and save yourself the pain of ripping.
Those are my life-learned tips that I am sharing with you. I may have read them once in a book and not paid attention to them. Now that I have lived through three sweaters, I have learned them and pass them on to you in hopes of saving you from the experiences I have gone through.
Once I find my camera, I will surely post some of my knitting for you.
Thanks for dropping by. Enjoy your day.
Serene stitches for all.....
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Can anyone identify this pattern???
Sunday, November 22, 2009
So now I feel really badly :((, but blessed.....
What can I say?? Not much, really, only that I can try to do better in keeping up with all the cross stitch stuff and start stitching again.
I really do love everything that everyone has stitched. The new charts and kits coming out of Europe are truly divine. I must get online and purchase something.
Now that my daughter is coming, I must admit I am very much decided on monchromatic, romantic designs for her especially of angels. So, I will go into my French magazine stash and search and search for all the things that I want to stitch.
Well, things are not so bad really, I did spend this time resting and there was not much else that I could do except rest and knit. Right now I do have one sweater that is almost pieced together. I did crochet another. I have about three blankets going strong and one cupcake hat to show for all the time I was away.
I will start going to the doctor every two weeks now. There are about 80 more days to go. Unfortunately, I can not say that I LOVED being pregnant. I can say that I KNOW it is all worth it. I am happy that things are going well for the baby and that she has grown immensely during this time. I am thrilled that I will have a daughter once these 9 months are over. I am thrilled that I am going to be a mother again. I am soooooo excited that I was able to have another baby. Things are so cheery and wonderful for me, except the fact that I am tired all the time and I barely have enough energy to walk 6 feet without having to sit down and rest. My asthma flared up badly and I was on many medications to control it. Still trying to control the angry monster.
All in all I am confident that delivery will go well and that at the end, I will have a wonderful, beautiful, healthy daughter to hold and love for the rest of my life. For that I am thankful this year. Most of all, I do believe that good things do come to those who wait and that not everything comes easy. I took the harder path and that has made all the difference.
Very thankful for all my friends who have emailed me and helped me to get through the hard days. Thank you for all the wonderful wishes and warm thoughts.
Wishing all thankful stitches......
Im still here
Well, the baby is going strong and soon my belly button will pop. I am in my sixth month and I must say I am ready. February can not come soon enough.
We haven't done much baby shopping, but I have knitted a few things for her and I am getting them pieced together now. Soon, I hope to post pictures of the sweaters and things.
Not much cross stitching at all. In fact, I have not purchased any cross stitching items in months. Lately, it has just been knitting items, crochet items and yarn, lots of yarn.
My craft shop was having a sale on a microfiber yarn and I picked up 3 colors worth. So, I guess I am mostly knitting and crocheting for the little one.
I miss everyone and their blogs, so I will go and visit as many as I can of you today.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A Cross Stitching Partner????
Can you believe it?? I who thought only boys were in my future will be having a beautiful baby girl in February. My due date is considered to be February 17, 2010.... but since it will be a scheduled C-section, we get to pick a date at least one week prior to the due date.
Of course, I am either thinking February 12 or February 14. One of the reasons I am leaning toward February 14 is that it is a Sunday. Big brother will be home and starting his Winter vacation which makes it easier for us. I am not really big on drving into the city on a Friday morning in the middle of rush hour.
February 14 is also Valentine's Day. I know it is sappy and corny but I think it is romantic and so feminine too.
Speaking about feminine, lots of changes have come about in the choosing of cross stitch nursery designs. Wow.... lots of changes in everything really. There is a whole new mindset which makes me think that I was not expecting a girl at all. Even though the first thing I said when I found out I was pregnant was that it was a girl. Wierd, huh? At the 10th week I changed my mind, even though I was so attracted to pink and girly things. All of a sudden when I felt the baby move, I went with the old wives' tale that males are more active than female babies in utero and that males move sooner........ guess not!
So far I have had five sonograms. She is very active and strong. Good for her because mommy is having a very rough time. This pregnancy has been very hard on my body. I remind myself to enjoy every moment and cherish every kick and movement, but there are times I think I am going to drop from sheer exhaustion.
My kidneys and my lungs are suffering the changes the most. At this stage, forget the stretch marks, they are the least of my worries. I just want to make it through to February.
Only crafts I have done are crocheting and a tiny bit of cross stitching (very few stitches). So far I am crocheting a blanket in pink and raspberry which is looking very very pretty. Plus, there is a bit of stitching done on a cross stitch piece for the baby's room. I will show it in my next post.
Thanks for passing by and caring about my blog. Sorry I haven't been around, but I will surely blog more now that my cutest projects are on the horizon.
By the way, for some reason my hotmail account is not working and I do not understand Facebook much, soooo I am pretty much in techie limbo right now. If you have emailed me and I have not answered, that is why.
Sweet stitches to all.....
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Baby Cross Stitch Ideas
Ocean Waves
c. 2007, Reader's Digest
This is the project that kept popping into my head for the baby's room.
It is not too clear, but you can see the boat on the top and the dolphin on the top.
Then, as I was looking through the book, I found these:
Beach Holiday
c. 2007 Reader's Digest
This design is filled with kites, ships, lighthouses, crabs sandcastles and fish.
I think that it plays very nicely with the following.
c. 2007 Reader's Digest
Although these aren't what I usually stitch, I think that they will look great together. There is also a "Farm Animal" sampler that uses the same colors. They will definitely be wonderful to use as teaching pieces.
I am not completely convinced about these because I think that they are too masculine. Let's see what happens. At least I found them.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
~~218 Days To Go~~
.... and I still haven't chosen a cross stitch baby theme.
Today I pulled out 43 Disney Cross Stitch magazines and could not choose if i wanted a Disney Babies theme. Since we won't know if it is a boy or a girl I have no idea which characters to choose.
The only chart that pops into my mind every 30 minutes or so is a Noah's ark chart or something like it. I don't know in which book I have it in. It has a very cute boat on top and underneath layers of water with fish dispersed all throughout. It is sooooo cute and I know it is in a hardcover book.... maybe a Kooler Studio book ..... hmmmm.....
I have all of the Kooler Studio, Linda Gillium, nursery and baby books so I will check on those.
Another theme, to which I am very partial is "French angels". You know, the monochome angels playing harps and everything else. Little cherubs sitting and playing..... only thing that stops me is the thought that they may be too feminine.
With my eldest, we had a Winnie the Pooh theme. My youngest was Kooler Studio Teddy Bear theme..... hmmmm, with this little one, I am stumped.
Lately my hormones are out of whack, although I am very calm on the outside, inside I am a horrific mess..... I want to cry and I am pretty much out of my mind with worry and fear. I wish my doctor would be a little more positive than quoting me miscarriage statistics for a woman my age. The age issue is getting very old .... I have a mother and a birth certificate who are very loyal to tell me how old I am...... My thoughts are that if my body is able to get pregnant, then it must think it is pretty young still....
It's hard to be positive, when your own doc is so negative....Thankfully, my time with her is short and soon, I will be released to my high-risk OB doc. Of course, since my last pregnancy, my OB has stopped deliverying, so I will go to his associate who is supposed to be excellent as well while my OB will do the sonograms (his new expertise). I have already stated I have had enough of the "gloom and doom" docs. " I want a highly positive, highly optimistic and experienced OB who will get me from "me" to "we" safely.
Anyway, my knitting project is still on hold until I can get my hormonal mind straight and figure out how to sew it together without tossing it. (Maybe a finishing service will come in handy).
Off to find some baby charts.....
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Queen is Miffed!!!!
Can the sewing of the seams be that hard????? I am obviously not in the sewing seams frame of mind.
Other than that I am looking through baby cross stitch designs that I have in search of a few items that would be great additions to any baby's nursery etc. Not that I have done many at all. This time I would love to make accessories that I can use for the baby.
We have announced the impending arrival to our family even though it is early. One of the reasons being it is going to be a very long and hard road ahead for me and I don't want to be hostage to a superstitious 3 month rule that I don't believe in. Life has taught me that life is precious and that one must celebrate when the opportunity arises.
Our vacation is now 95% cancelled due to my need to be near my doctor's office. That is the common sense approach to this pregnancy. Our child has taken very well to the cancellation. Well, that is how we perceived his laughter and happy attitude to not having to leave the dog behind. Kids......
Two new scissors have been added to my collection. Thanks to my best friend, both the Gingher's Criss 4" Embroidery Scissor and Criss Dressmakers Shears 8" are very happy with their Gingher team mates.
A few French Mags have made their way across the pond to me thanks to my French friend. Love her. A really nice package filled with surprises will be on the way to her shortly. Hope she enjoys them!!!!!
Other than that, I am left to choose what baby themes will be in my cross stitch agenda. Isn't great that there are NINE months to go!!!!!! I have two Baby Afghans in my stash. One is yellow and the other Ivory. Let's see what I do..... you know that if I make one for baby, I will definitely make another for the eldest!!!! I don't have favorites.....
Expectant stitches.......
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Life and Stitching Update
I joined Weight Watchers so soon I will have a sidebar with my wieght loss totals for the whole world to see. Why?? I have no idea, maybe fill up the blog a bit more?? Make for some good laughs?? Blog my descent into a dark part of my life??
The reason why I joined Weight Watchers was to lose weight, obviously, but, I don't know if it is for me. My first week I lost 1.4 pounds. Okay, I lost something, but it is not as good as I wanted and I was disappointed. Another reason I don't know if it will work is because even though people think I am a people person, I am not so sure that I like being with so many people discussing our wieght and points. Those are my feelings, "results may vary".
A few months ago, I went to my doctor and asked him if he would put me on diet pills. (Hey, I was desperate). He did not laugh, but told me that if I drank water (instead of Pepsi) and exercised a half hour in the morning and a half hour at night, I would lose the wieght. I am thinking the man is right!! This writing down everything I eat and giving it points is not for me. I am not a food addict. I don't eat everything I see or drink alcoholic drinks (teetotaller here) or excessive frozen drinks or massive amounts of anything. It just so happened I was on a medication for 3 months and put on 30 pounds. Yup, 10 pounds a month....can't get them off..... but I haven't tried and my thyroid is fine. (Unfortunately, the meds didn't even work).
So, here is hoping that in the next 11 weeks I lose another 8 pounds.....
Another life update: The laptop is at the repair shop for 3 weeks!! So, as a gift, I received a mini-laptop which I am starting to really like. This one will be for my cross stitching and blogging. It is mine, mine, mine!!!! When the laptop comes back, I will transfer all of my favorites and freebies off it and leave it as the family laptop.
Yes, that means I do not have any favorites stored...... Arrrrrrrghhhhhhh
Vacation is still being decided..... it is between a Disney cruise or DisneyWorld. The dog may stay with Grandma. That is still in the works. Let's see what happens.
No stitching, but LOTS of stashing. I sort of lost control. I admit it. (You see, I know what addiction is.) If it is stitching and it is on sale ... I am there. So, what did I order?
Martina Weber (Chatelaine)
Just Cross Stitch
Britain's Cross Stitcher Mag
Issue 213
So, there you have it..... more a couple of ongoing trades which are always a sublime experience for me.
Happy stitches......
Monday, May 25, 2009
A Mouse, A Mouse !!!!!! I screamed.....

All Disney images are copyright by Disney and taken from licensed cross stitch kits and magazines.
Cinderella's coach is c. by Kooler Design Studio.
Magical stitches to all......
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Cross Stitch Stashing

Joy, Love, Peace
c. JBW 2007 "Christmas Keepsakes II"

Joy, Love, Peace
c. 2007 JBW, "Christmas Keepsakes II"
Here is a Disney Pooh ornament that I stitched in 2005 which has not been "finished"yet. I hope to correct that and have a wonderful ornament to hang on our tree this year.
c. Disney, Pooh Ornament
This is my latest non-holiday finish. It is stitched with DMC Variations. I think that DMC Variations is a wonderful thread reasonably priced thread. The colors are really pretty, even though I really miss the DMC variegated threads. Whenever I see the variegated for sale, I always pick them up.
c. Mary Hickmott 2009
Well, there you have it. That is pretty much what I have done these days. As usual, I have high hopes for tomorrow and the rest of this evening.
By the way..... soon, I will be posting a Disney Neighborhood picture.......
Stitching the night away........
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Stitching Goal for Today
Will post pic once camera gets new batteries. (Yup, with that camera something is always up).
Simple stitches....
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sad Day For Me
At the end, the cancer could not conquer her mind. She was brave and positive till the end. May she rest in peace.
I am going to miss her.
Silent stitches....
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Cross Stitch Life Update
Maybe I will make another blog with items that I am looking to trade and items I am looking to sell. I have seen other bloggers do that. Don't know how successful that is, but I figure I have time to sort all of the details out.
I am sure that the wet flosses are coming out for my flogging since I did not stitch much at all last week. Lately all I have done is stalk the postman since there are so many packages that I am waiting for that have not arrived. All the stalking is driving me batty and I am getting into a bad mood.
One of the items I am waiting for is a scissor I purchased on eBay and a purchase from a cross stitch shop. Half of me thinks that the Customs inspector and my post office are in cohoots to keep my items away from me. Well, when I receive all my items, I promise to post pictures here. This time there will be alot of pictures since I am waiting for alot of stuff.
Today I also posted Shay's floss giveaway win. Snuck by my postman, so I am sure Shay will get the package soon.
Getting back on the Moderate's Stash Wagon again because I fell off and only saw dust for a few months. If I strain my eyes to their fullest, I believe I see the Wagon coming around again. Maybe someone noticed I fell off?????? Don't think so, but once I get on, I am sure I will be lots heavier. LOL....
I am ashamed to say that I have not put a single stitch in my Disney Neighborhood in a few months. Funny thing about me is that I do not show my WIPS to anyone that is known in the flesh to me because I lose my "mojo" for that piece. Well, someone saw me stitching on it and since that day I have not touched it. I know, I know, it is superstitious, but I did lose a bit of my "mojo" for it. Now, it is in full force again and I want to stitch stitch stitch the hours away on my pride and joy.
Working on a small pinkeep for myself. Happens to be the only WIP I stitched on this past week. Hopefully I will get it done soon so I can post a picture of it.
There is also the Christmas ornaments that I am working on. I have 5 already of the same pattern stitched and I am loving them so, because they are simple and once I finish the 12 I will have a set of them. My first set of stitching ever. So that is something to look forward to.
So far, there you have it. I will stop surfing through blogs and start stitching once I sign off. Hope to come back here tomorrow and write some more.
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy weekend stitches to all ........
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Making Time -- Chasing Rainbows (LOST)
Well, I felt badly for Daniel, what a life always trying to please mom and never doing so. Or did he? Was she really proud and couldn't show it because she knew what his fate / destiny would be? As a mother, myself, if I think if I were in that situation, I would try everything that I could and more to change things. Maybe she did and we don't know about it.
Either way, I think that two things which are the most important points of this episode ("The Variable") deal with Daniel and his comment while playing the piano as a youngster, "I can make time". I think that his unstable mental state is due to his "making time". Remember when he says that he experimented on himself? It is my belief that he was the "bright person" who developed the pendulum at the Lamppost station.
The piano song that he plays both as a youngster and an adult, "Chasing Rainbows" is key here..... is he "chasing rainbows"? Maybe? Will he find them? Maybe not.
Now, it seems to be that Jack is the key to the past, and Locke is the key to the future. Jack may take up Daniel's cause and try to change the past. All in all it seems that Ellie is a very single-minded, and inflexible person (to put it in a nice way). Others may call her a B****, but this is a family blog, so I refrain from using such accurate language.
We are headed to the ending of Season 5 and then a few hours of Season 6 will hopefully fill in all the gaps and maybe just maybe the plane will overfly the island and land at LAX. Then, all of the passengers disembark none being the wiser and the time loop will have been broken. Yup, I am still of the time loop camp.
Anyway, those are my thoughts. I have not read any of the LOST blogs yet, so I don't know if other followers are thinking the same thing.
Lost stitches.....
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Congratulations!!!!! Shay on winning 12 flosses!!!
Lucky Sunday stitching to all.......
Thursday, April 16, 2009
ends April 30, 2009
Cross Stitch Queen's Giveaway
ends April 18, 2009
let everyone you know to enter.
All you have to do is leave a message on the giveaway post.
This is a great one if you can stitch fast and you like French things.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Nina's Giveaway
Seems to be the time for giveaways!!
I want to welcome my newest scissor: the bronze art deco scissor below. A wonderful internet friend was gracious enough to find it for me. Thank you Claudia. You can tell it fit in beautifully with its sisters.
Nina's blog is gorgeous and her scissor collection is impressive. Her needlework is very creative and she finishes her items very professionally.
I guess the next collection I should start working on are scissor fobs. Thanks to my friend Claudia, I have my first handmade scissor fob. Pictures will definitely follow.

Good Luck to all who enter Nina's giveaway
Don't forget my floss giveaway too!!
Lucky stitches to all
What lies in the Shadow of the Statue?? LOST post
The Lamp Post lies in the shadow of the statue. If that is true then Eloise Hawking would be the third party to the endgame. Lots of bloggers are thinking that Eloise would be the third party leader..... but, I have not heard anyone say that "The Lamp Post" is the answer to Ilana's and Bram's riddle.
I am also guessing that Miles may help his father during the incident and may die with his father. That would make him the loved character that dies in this season. (Lots of rumors about this death on all the blogs and I believe that Miles is one of the characters that is on that "death list") It is my guess that Miles is the character that goes to the afterlife.
Well, those are my first and most fresh ideas.......
For all the LOST stitchers...... Namaste
Sunday, April 12, 2009
My 1st PIF -- Giveaway
Many months ago a wonderful stitcher offered me a magazine which contained a chart I was searching for. I promised her I would repay her kindness by having a PIF.

Set of six (6) DMC flosses. Colors are 779, Ecru, 53, 930, B5200 and 152. The DMC pictured above are the flosses that are up for this contest. Floss colors for all prizes are my choice. I will not duplicate any colors. No substitutions, please.
Level 1:
Anyone can enter ONCE. One entry per person. I will mail floss anywhere in the world. You will need to leave a comment on this post.
Level 2:
Followers of my blog will be allowed two entries as long as you leave a comment on this post.
Level 3:
If you have a blog, please let your followers know about this PIF if you win, I will add an additional 3 flosses to the prize. That means you will receive 9 flosses.
Level 4:
If you have a blog, let your followers know about this PIF, and list me on your bloglist, if you win I will add an additional 3 flosses to the prize. That means you will receive 12 flosses as your prize if you win.
To give everyone an chance to enter this PIF, I will draw the winner on Saturday, April 18th 2009.
If you qualify to win extra flosses, please leave the prize level you are aiming for on your comment (blog address, and post showing where you have passed the word on of this PIF).
Good luck stitches to all.......
Happy Easter
Saturday, April 11, 2009
2009 Christmas Theme
My past color themes have been: 2008 white and blue, 2007 white and red.
As of today, I have stitched FOUR (4) Joy, Love Peace ornaments by JBW designs in green and red on Ivory jobelan. I will stitch more of those on Lambswool jobelan and reverse the pattern colors along with the hue of the green and the red.
It is my hope to stitch twelve (12) of the "Joy, Love, Peace" ornaments so I may hang them on an evergreen tree swag. I will also stitch variations and hang them on my ornament tree. That is where the other joy, love, peace ornies come in.
Preparing for this I have been lucky to find Joan Elliot's Joy, Peace, Love designs that were published in a Crafts 'n Things magazine last year. Those are designed in blue, but I will color convert to green.
There is another Christmas ornie that I am looking to purchase from Fabby Reilly. I have my eye on the Christmas Star.... that would look GREAT on top of my ornament tree..... Let's see what happens.......
Early holiday stitches to all.....
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Spring has Arrived / Summer Vacation Thoughts
- 10 day Disney World vacation - (no dog)
- 7 day European vacation - (no dog)
- Canadian vacation - (with dog)
- Stay home, the economy is really bad (with dog)
I would like to know what you think. Please leave a comment on this post.
Thinking of Summer vacation stitching ..........
Sunday, March 29, 2009
A Whole New World
Today, I went to pick up some items for a few upcoming exchanges when I heard FIMO clay packs calling my name. I picked up a few because I am looking to try my hand at making clay buttons. There are a few that just entice me so and I want to try my hand at the craft.
I think that what sold me was the clay pasta maker's price. It was on sale and I could not turn it down. What can I say????? Soon I will be creating little buttons for my stitching. Yippeeeee!!!
Other than that, I am crocheting like a madwoman. Many, many years ago my best friend asked me for a scarf. These days I am crocheting it for her because it is only right. I feel very badly that it has taken me this long, but I can't wait to finish it and mail it to her. I wish I could be there to see her face opening it, unfortunately she lives on the other side of the United States, so I will just have to be happy knowing that I did the right thing.
Karma-like stitches.......
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Spotlight ***Danybrod Blog ***
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Another "LOST" Theory
What if Widmore goes back to the island, finds his younger self and gives him the Black Rock journal that the older Widmore won at the auction in the episode "The Constant"? Then the younger Widmore would be able to know things that the older Widmore was not privy to at the time of his banishment.
Just putting that theory out there because I think since Widmore does know Eloise, he would be able to get back somehow.
Mystery stitches.....
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My Exchange Piece for Lucy
side view
Alphabet from Better Homes and Garden

c. Mary Hickmott
New Stitches Magazine
stitched with Weeks Dye Works
retired color Hydrangea
This morning I received an email from Lucy that she loved all of the items that I mailed to her.
That is so stress relieving. The piece was mailed to her two days after I finished stitching it because I was falling in love with it more and more and it was getting harder to let it go. LOL.
It is thrilling to know that my first attempt at a pinkeep was a great hit with Lucy.
Thanks for stopping by..... happy stitches to all
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
It's Multiplied....

Who knew, they were like rabbits?? I just couldn't stop and there they are. If one of my 2009 goals was to stitch a Christmas Ornament a month, well I have caught up.
All day I have been watching golf. I know, I know..... real exciting stuff. When I was younger, I could not understand for the life of me why people would watch others walk and walk and walk while hitting a ball. Now, I am one of the watchers.
Another thing that I was able to do today was surf on the net looking for new ideas and I found a few designer, Fabby Reilly . Some of you already know about her because lots of her biscorni are popping up on biscornu sites. Surely, I will order a couple of her items next month as I purchased a few things yestday :))
In a few days my first Prairie Schooler chart will arrive, Santas and Snowmen along with Twisted Heart by Ink Circles.
A shout out to all my followers. Thank you for coming and reading. I know that I type it often, but I really mean it..... your reading motivates me to everyday.
Inspirational stitches to all .........
Saturday, March 14, 2009
When will Spring Arrive??
There you have it, not a pretty picture, but the reality of what is going on in my home. The little one has been sick in what seems like forever. Already 3 days of school missed and the fever rages on.
The coughing which almost made me run for the hills has now become white noise. Just another noise in the background. It comes in sets of three. Once I hear 5 or six in a row I know about 10 more are coming. It seems that the little one has lost wieght or is toning up the midsection with all the coughing, either way, everytime I look, I can almost swear someone has grown taller. Soon, very soon, I fear, I will be the shortest one in the house.
I also want to thank you for stopping by and reading my little blog. It means a great deal to me that seven people have decided to follow my adventures. Thought you should know that that I appreciate every visit and every kind comment you leave behind. It keeps me motivated to blog as much as possible.
Kind stitches to all .....
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Lookie, Lookie. What do we have here??
This little chart stole my heart and before I knew it I had already stitched it."

Joy, Love and Peace
c. Sweet Nothings, "Christmas Treasures II
Don't know how I will "finish" it, but I like it very much. It is the first of this type of design for me. I love the way that it stitches up quickly. Gives me the feeling of accomplishment.
Quick stitching .....
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A Little Stashing does the Spirit Good.....
I may have spoken of my LNS here before, can't remember, but is a great place to go to when the stashing urge strikes. It's a fairly new shoppe, maybe two years old and it is a boon to us because it is the only one around. I know, I know, you can't believe it....but it is true. We in the New York City area went a LONG time without one.
The owner is a really nice lady who treats her customers and doesn't ignore you like some other shopkeepers do. I love her fiber wall because I get to see the thread colors up close and personal and that makes a great difference. That wall has only helped to turn me into a Weeks Dye Works addict and when I buy them I buy multiples of one color. This week, Cross Stitch Queen, has selected # 1161 Hydrangea as her personal favorite. For a few weeks, Eucalyptus was my favorite to the point where I have a half dozen in my stash waiting for that perfect project. Don't worry, I only have 4 of the Hydrangea....
Her fabbies are delish and I simply adore her curio where she displays the scissors and all those accessories that I would love to have. She carries all the lastest rage of charts and although I don't always fall into range, I have lots of trading partners that do, so its a great place to go and pick up goodies for them.
My latest haul looked like this:

Not the biggest haul, but a quality haul. I got my WDW and sneaked in a Crescent Threads too. Something that is VERY NEW for me is the HOB NOBB design, "Winter is Over". It is not the design that did it for me, because I am not too into it
Another item that is new for me is the JBW design "Christmas Keepsakes II", in my mind I kept seeing all the exchange blogs with the really simple, but charming Christmas ornaments and thought, "I can do that and make it elegant too".
Other than that the owner must think I have ADD, but in reality I have CADD, (Crafters Attention Deficit Disorder), because I did not now where to go first, or second just looking at all the wonderful things in the shop. I would be in the front, then go to the back just to go to the front again then I would think of my friends who would love this design, and my friends who stitched that design and go to the fiber wall...... What is a girl to do when at the MECCA of cross stitch ????
For all the ladies who are stitching holiday ornaments.... Holiday stitches......
For the rest of us who just want to stitch ..... Stitching wishes......
Sunday, March 8, 2009
A Finish !!!!!!!
The plan is to post the exchange sometime this week or this weekend. Since it is a "Winter" exchange best that I go to the post office soon before Spring rolls around.
Due to my placing all my attention to Lucy's piece, my Disney Neighborhood has felt a bit neglected..... but not to fear, a couple of Disney movie viewings and a bit of Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho's and it will be back to stitching on it I go.
Once Lucy receives the item, I will definitely post pictures of this beauty. You can count on it.
Sleepy stitches........
Saturday, March 7, 2009
A Special Award

What a wonderful honor to receive an award from my stitching "sister" Lucy at . I can still remember when we met and started learning how to develop webpages. We have come a long way.....
The first part of this award asks that the recipient list 8 things that they wish for. Here are mine:
- Peace, quiet and open air to pass my leisure time stitching away.
- World peace. Don't we all need some?
- Spend a weekend with my friend Lucy chatting and "shopping" in Europe.
- Lots of quality family time to spend with my loved ones.
- A better world economy. Ours is not too healthy right now.
- To learn everything I can everyday.
- To keep a sense of awe about the world and have the chance to experience more of it with my family.
- A cure for all fatal illnesses like terminal cancer so everyone may be able to live life to its fullest and enjoy it pain free.
Now comes the harder part. I must pass it on to 10 other bloggers. I will do so in a later post, so I will have time to compile a list. Til then......
Keep on stitching.....
Monday, March 2, 2009
Spotlight *** Claudia's Cross Stitch Blog ***
What is a cross-stitch addict to do at home on a day like this??? Well, I am smiling from ear to ear and I am also reading blogs and reading more blogs and thinking about stitching the wonderful stash I have at home. Who wouldn't after seeing so many beautiiiiiiiiful things that my sister stitchers have created.
So, as I surfed and skimmed, I had a chance to take my time and really immerse myself in a blog which kept me reading and reading and reading. Very inspiring crafts"woman"ship and awesome stitching. Without further ado I am spotlighting on my blog today:
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Seeking Trading Partner -- Italy
Things that I have to trade are:
Things that I am looking for are:
Please leave a comment on this post if you are interested to try at least once.