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~~218 Days To Go~~
.... and I still haven't chosen a cross stitch baby theme.Today I pulled out 43 Disney Cross Stitch magazines and could not choose if i wanted a Disney Babies theme. Since we won't know if it is a boy or a girl I have no idea which characters to choose.The only chart that pops into my mind every 30 minutes or so is a Noah's ark chart or something like it. I don't know in which book I have it in. It has a very cute boat on top and underneath layers of water with fish dispersed all throughout. It is sooooo cute and I know it is in a hardcover book.... maybe a Kooler Studio book ..... hmmmm.....I have all of the Kooler Studio, Linda Gillium, nursery and baby books so I will check on those.Another theme, to which I am very partial is "French angels". You know, the monochome angels playing harps and everything else. Little cherubs sitting and playing..... only thing that stops me is the thought that they may be too feminine. With my eldest, we had a Winnie the Pooh theme. My youngest was Kooler Studio Teddy Bear theme..... hmmmm, with this little one, I am stumped.Lately my hormones are out of whack, although I am very calm on the outside, inside I am a horrific mess..... I want to cry and I am pretty much out of my mind with worry and fear. I wish my doctor would be a little more positive than quoting me miscarriage statistics for a woman my age. The age issue is getting very old .... I have a mother and a birth certificate who are very loyal to tell me how old I am...... My thoughts are that if my body is able to get pregnant, then it must think it is pretty young still.... It's hard to be positive, when your own doc is so negative....Thankfully, my time with her is short and soon, I will be released to my high-risk OB doc. Of course, since my last pregnancy, my OB has stopped deliverying, so I will go to his associate who is supposed to be excellent as well while my OB will do the sonograms (his new expertise). I have already stated I have had enough of the "gloom and doom" docs. " I want a highly positive, highly optimistic and experienced OB who will get me from "me" to "we" safely.Anyway, my knitting project is still on hold until I can get my hormonal mind straight and figure out how to sew it together without tossing it. (Maybe a finishing service will come in handy).Off to find some baby charts.....
Hi Maria ! Have a happy 4th of July day in USA !
I think you are not too old to be pregnant, now in the XXI century, in 2009, medicine make some many progress, really I think.
It's a great, a big and beautiful adventure that you are living with your family.
Hope for you and your baby that all shall be OK ! Have a great time during this pregnancy.
If you want some stitches theme for babies, from France, please tell me and when I'll come back at home in august, I'll buy and send it to you.
Hugs and kisses Maria, and sorry for my very bad english, hope you'll understand me very well.
Marylène from France
I think you shouldn't worry so much, and shouldn't listen to ALL that your Doc says... ;-)))
It will be all ok, think positive!
I wish all the best....
hugs and kisses (A LOT!!)
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