With age I have become a very partial to the simpler gifts in life. My tastes are very specific and many people cannot ever figure out what to get me, so I have come to the conclusion that I buy what I like for myself whenever I see it and that is that. I don't call it a Christmas gift or a birthday gift, mostly is a blessing that I have found something that I like and I have the money to buy it. Whatever friends or family gift me at the holidays is a wonderful thing and I have no expectations.
This year, I remained the same and was pleased with the small items I received. They were thoughtful and I did need them so I was pleasantly surprised and had a wonderful Christmas. I must say, that it is not the gifts that make Christmas, it is the sense of warmth and family that make it Christmas for me. Having my son, hubby and baby-to-be at Christmas was good enough for me.
So, yesterday it was my sonogram day and I had expectations. My major expectation was to get a sonogram picture, preferrably 3D of my daughter. I expected it and I did not think it was a huge expectation especially since I am pregnant and at almost 33 weeks, I think that it is time to see her face. After 20 minutes of prodding, shaking and my becoming sorer and sorer it was evident that such a picture was not meant to be. My dear daughter had her back to me and her face buried near my spine and on top of my kidney. (No wonder I have had such a backache for 2 days.) How she manages to this is beyond me. The last time, she was facing my back with her feet in front of her face and her hands in fists in front of her feet. Where did she get so limber? Must be from hubby's side because I can barely sit in yoga position. Well, there went that gift expectation. Although I am glad that she is healthy and thriving daily. I guess she wants to surprise me with her beauty when she is born. I will have to wait.
Since I was not thrilled of not getting the picture that I wanted for so long, hubby asked me if I wanted to go to a "cuchifriteria" at 116 street and Spanish Harlem. A "cuchifriteria" is a restaurant where they serve Puerto Rican and Dominican fried foods. My son who cannot speak Spanish to save his life, knows what an "alcapurria" and "pasteles" are, so you know I love those. This offer was very unexpected because traffic in Spanish Harlem is horrible, parking is non-existent and the city traffic is a headache. I had not been there is about 20 years, so I was very tempted to go to the best "Cuchifriteria" in the city. There are only four that I know of, one in Delancey (closed down), one in Sunset Park, Brooklyn (very far), one in Fordham, The Bronx (haven't been there in at least 25 years) and the one in Spanish Harlem (far from us, but fairly near the hospital I will deliver my daughter in. So, this is not an offer I will refuse seeing that I will not be back in that area after March 2010). Maybe we will go once more prior to March, but after that it may be another 10 years before we go back.
By the way, an "alcapurria" is cooked and mashed green banana dough filled with ground beef and fried in hot oil. "Pasteles" are banana meat pies stuffed with pork which are boiled. Not many people like these cholesterol filled delicacies, but since I have not had them in practically a lifetime, I whole-heartedly said "YES".
$50.50 cents later I had bags filled with dozens of these concoctions and hubby and I are still enjoying them. I shared with my mom who hadn't seen any of these items in at least 30 years and she was shocked that the restaurant was still there. So that was her unexpected gift this year. That simple gift brought much joy to all of us.
Just thought I would share that part of my day with you.
Sharing stitches......
St Patricks Day Mini Cat Cross Stitch Pattern
2 weeks ago
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