Saturday, December 31, 2011
Good News!! Under the Wire for 2011
Will post picture tomorrow because camera batteries are on hiatus (not that they work overtime or anything like that.. lol...)
Two days work, all worth the ripping and the recounting at 3 o'clock in the morning. Don't know if I will lightly block it yet.... it does drape beautifully now. Even when se grows taller, it will drape perfectly over her shoulders.
I always beam when I make things for my princess and they fit!!
Fairytale stitches.....
2012 is on it's way
Last scarf project of 2011
100% cotton ... yarn from stash ...
Basketweave stitch repeat pattern
Hubby is making cheesy Crescent rolls, yummy!!
I expect to be back in a couple of hours. There is another crochet project on the hook that may get done in a few hours, if I can keep my sanity... LOL...
Happy stitches.....
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Thank You Penpal!!
I have to say that even though I LOVE cross stitch, I was secretly hoping that it wasn't cross stitch related because I was caught in a weird S.A.B.L.E. moment and I wanted something i could share with the kids. She must have known because inside was a wonderful letter letting me know that her grandson was born healthy. Along with that was a beautiful book, The Tale of the Three Trees retold by Angela Elwell Hunt and illustrated by Tim Jonke. She also sent me 4 gorgeous blank cards.
I wanted to say THANK YOU for the most lovely gift. I read and re-read the book with tears in my eyes. The true meaning of Christmas. I will read the book to my children at Christmas, it is truly lovely.
All in all, I am very happy to have met such a nice and thoughtful person in my penpal and will continue to keep that relationship alive.
I feel blessed....blessings to all.....
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Christmas will be here soon......
Luckily, I was able to pick up all of my children's gifts on during the Black Friday sales. Now, it's just the gift certificates and cards that are left. Hubby and I will exchange gifts after Christmas during the after Christmas sales.
This year I will be home for the week between Christmas and New Year's so it will be a wonderful time to spend time with the family and shop leisurely.
I received a wonderful exchange gift from my friend Lucy. We have exchanged gifts for the past 10 years or so. It's a very special bond that we have nutured throughout the years.
Back to knitting the red and whte sweater for my DD. If I don't finish it for Christmas, there is little hope that she would be able to wear it for much longer. Yes, she stretched out a bit since the RIPPING event. I now knit, knit, knit hoping for a quick finish before Christmas. I will definitely post a picture of that sweater here.
This year I was able to have a few giveaways and meet new friends. I joined a few exchanges and hopefully brought joy to other people. Looking forward to joining a couple of exchanges next year and continuing with my personal exchanges too.
For now, I am purling those stitches.....
And the Winner is.....
Congratulations Cucki!! You have been a very loyal reader since you joined my blog. Your uplifting comments and readership is so very much appreciated!
Thank you to all who entered the giveway. Winner was chosen by counting all entries and asking an innocent bystander (read: hubby) to choose any number within the given range. He chose the number 6. That was Cucki's lucky number.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Blog Giveaway Ends TODAY!!
Open to all of my registered blog followers who have left a comment on the giveaway post below:
Good luck to all!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Pen Pal News and Giveaway Update
Not much happening in my world to blog about except two things for now.
This month marks the end of my penpal card exchange. My card has been sent out with the very best holiday wishes and hopes for a blessed New Year.
Special grandma wishes to the person who received me as their penpal. Hope that all goes fantastically well and a bouncing bundle of joy arrives bringing the best of blessings.
My giveaway is closing soon and it seems to be a promising intimate group of followers in the running. It is a gorgeous kit and I am sure that when stitched it is even more stunning.
That is about it folks! Hope that everyone is having a wonderful day.
Peaceful stitches....
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Because I Love Paris Giveaway!!
This giveaway has been long awaited. Today I have been inspired and have come up with a humble and beautiful giveaway.
As many people who read my blog know I love Paris, I love Disney and I love cross stitch. Those are three things about me that I think will never change.
This giveaway combines Paris and cross stitch! YAY YOU!!
Weekend in Paris
Dimensions Gold Collection Petites Cross Stitch Kit
Kit contains cotton thread, 18ct ivory Aida, chart, needle and easy instructions.
How to enter this giveaway:
1. Be or become a follower of my blog and leave a comment on this post with your blog address or a way to reach you if you are the winner for ONE chance.
2. Post about this giveaway on your blog. Either a post or on your side bar for another chance.
Let me know that you have done this so you can get chance #2.
It's that simple! I want to give as many people as possible a chance to win.
This is a very pretty kit.
Giveaway is open WORLDWIDE. If you already have this kit, let your friends know about the giveaway. Maybe they would like to try for it.
Thank you to all my friends and followers. Your comments are appreciated.
Stitch happy and good luck!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Knit, Knit, Knit, RRIIIIPPPPP Twice
Don't know what to say, well, I do know what I want to say, but this is a G rated blog. It is very heartbreaking to get both front panels knitted up to the neck to see that one side is off, then to fix it to note that it was correct in the first place. Look at the other panel and not be able to figure out how to even the panel out with the mistakenly ripped out opposite panel.... so to make everything even..... I RIPPED out both panels in order to start over.
Hopefully, I have learned what the panels are supposed to look like and will be able to knit them when my hands are looser.
Please send happy knitting vibes.... I don't think I could rip it out again....
Grateful stitches......
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Is it Me???
There is a part of me that is thankful, I only stitch with DMC or Sullivan's overdyed (some WDW and Crescent Colors too) because that keeps the cost a bit lower. I am scared to look at the silks because then I would truly be lost. LOL.
This makes it hard to buy Christmas gifts for myself. The only alternative is to buy them all a bit at a time.
My favorites are Renato Parolin, Isabelle Vautier, Filigram, AAN, AMAP, Nimue and so many others that the list would be 3 posts long. All I am saying is that no matter how much I have designers are coming up with the newest and freshest ideas that are must-haves to me. That is awesome because it keeps the art alive and fresh and evolving.
Do you also feel this way? Are you even more lost than I am? Are you a lifetime collector?
Do you have lifetimes of stitching collected and still collect more and more? Are we cross-stitch hoarders?????
I call it my retirement fund.
Supportive stitches.....
Je t'aime, un peu, beaucoup
I have finally found the information for this gorgeous heart:
Magazine: Mains & Merveilles Broiderie Creative
Special Marquoirs
Number: 13
Published: 2007
67 gorgeous pages.
There are so many more that I would want to stitch because they are all beautiful.
Little red stitches to all .....
Saturday, November 12, 2011
A Couple of WIPS
Happiness is knitting, cross stitching, blogging and figuring out how to make a collage of WIPS. Not all in that order, but very close.Blogging has taken a back seat lately because there hasn't been much going on to blog about. A kind of lull which I used to get a head-start on my DD's Christmas sweater. I think it is a bit obvious that it will be for Christmas, but I am making a bit bigger so that she may use it for Valentine's Day as well. Of course it is not to gauge!! You know me!! But, my thoughts on a baby's gauge is: Better bigger than smaller. That is because by the time I finish, usually the baby has grown an inch or more. So, I make the sleeves a little longer, even if I have to roll them up a bit for a month or two.
It is bittersweet when she outgrows them, but I keep her sweaters together as a memento for her. Hopefully she will treasure them as an adult.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Shout out to everybody!!
My penpal is expecting a grandchild. How exciting!! I wish her daughter the very best delivery.
Lately I have just been going to friends blogs, reading and commenting.
Hoping that everyone is having a wonderful weekend. They go by so fast, right??
Yes, I will post another giveway soon. I just haven't chosen what it will be.
Weekend stitches to all....
Friday, October 14, 2011
Website help needed, please
I am helping hubby look for someone who can create anything at this point for the shop's website. The blog is up, and we are happy with that, but the graphics used for the blog, is not able to be used on the website. It won't copy over.
It has gotten to the point that the cute graphics we purchased for the website, will probably be used for the blog.
Very frustrated over this situation because all of the people that I have contacted through Etsy do not design for that platform. Of course, I did not know that beforehand. The price was great and they had templates, but we don't like any of them because they are not crafty types.
Any graphic designers here? Website designers? Help!!!! Thank you!!
SOS stitches...
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Teddy Bear Stitches and other musings
After my "stitching victory", I turned to another fantastic Christmas idea born last week and started looking through my fabric stash. While I searched and searched, I came to the conclusion that I in my earlier stitching life I had been a fabric magnet. Lots of my fabric comes from monthly automatics from years ago while almost an equal amount comes from trading. Of course some of it comes from just plain old buying. LOL.
Ten years ago, I traded on a constant basis. Many trades were completed because my trading partner really wanted something I had. Since I did not need more charts, I would trade for fabric. That is how I managed to collect yards of fabric colors I did not need (then). Now, I am thinking I was psychic because they are exactly the colors I need now.
So far this day has been great! Stitched a little, stash fondled, blogged a bit. Most of all I relaxed and spent the day with my DD who sat on my lap while watching Elmo. She loves Elmo. I think I have a Sesame Street cross stitch book somewhere with Elmo in it. I think her favorite song is "Elmo's World".
Sara: You can start stalking your postie. Your envelope is on its way.
I'll have pictures of the small amount of stitching I have done posted today. Have to go and play "hide and seek".
Relaxing stitches.....
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
And the RECIPIENT of the GIVEAWAY is......
I have added the Gloria and Pat Merry Christmas 1973-1993 booklet and my favorite Blue Moon Ladybug charm as the extra item for reaching 150 readers. Those who have stitched many decades know that the booklet is very hard to find. It was a promotional piece that shops gave out in 1993. Gloria and Pat celebrated 20 years of needlework publishing that year. 17 gorgeous designs. Yes, the booklet is 18 years old and looks just published. The second little gift that I put in as a personal token is my favorite ladybug charm. I think it is the cutest thing.
It is my pleasure to announce that the recipient of these two items along with the JCS 2011 Halloween issue, the coffee cross stitch kit, the pumpkin stickers, the heart post-its, and the three Sullivans overdyed flosses is:
Xeihua and all of my readers who entered this humble giveaway:
Thank you for participating and your readership. I truly hope that we can all become a community of friends. I enjoy all of your blogs and truly appreciate the time that you spend with with me while surfing the net.
Please join me in congratulating XEIHUA. Sara, please contact me via email so I can get your package together and ready to mail.
Celebration stitches......
Monday, September 26, 2011
California, Alaska and Hawaii have a few more hours to go.
Yes, I will be adding another item to the giveaway, because we are 152 readers strong.
Don't know what it will be yet, but it will be a fun item (craft related). Will show pic of the goodies with winner's name by Wednesday the 28th. That will give me enough time to tabulate and choose the item.
Remember, because we did reach 150 readers, I will have another giveaway most likely 2 weeks from now. That was my blog challenge.
Good luck to all! There is still at least 12 more hours to go!
Thank you for entering. I am very happy to share stash with you.
Lucky stitches.....
Monday, September 19, 2011
Our Trip to Jersey. A Pictorial
going up 57th Street to 9th Avenue
Monday, September 12, 2011
September 12th and the days after...
We see their faces and hear of them daily when there is talk of their children, or in my instance when I talk to friends of that day and inevitably find out that we had friends in common who suffered great losses that day. On anniversaries we read or hear of the last calls they made. Of the ones we know, most were words of love. They called their parents, wives, husbands, children, friends to say " I love you." Even amidst great fear of the unknown, they felt and wanted to share love.
"And now these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is love."
I Corinthians 13:13.
Simultaneously heroes were on their way to rescue those in need. I truly believe that much love for humanity must have existed within all the responders of that day. For "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. " John 15:13
While I was shaking in fear on 9/11 holding my son thinking that my husband had perished, fear overtook me. When he returned that late afternoon, relief flooded through me. We walked ouside together, smelled and tasted the grit in the air like a meal. Days after, a smell lingered in the air everywhere we went.
Tragedy brought a great deal more of love and unity on that day than any hate could. Lots of love along with the unity of humanity was felt on that day. We are still rising from the ashes day by day. Those that perished give us their love and strength every day for us to continue and enjoy life. I prefer to think they want to be remembered for the love that they gave.
I am friends with one of the first responders and it never ceases to amaze me the peace and the love he has in his heart. These days he suffers from alot of ailments due to the inhaled dust. But, he would not have done anything differently that day. He still works everyday and loves his family and friends greatly.
So today, ten 9/11's later I have faith that we will rise from the ashes stronger than before, I hope that my children never have to live through such devastation again, and feel the love the heroes and their families offer us every day through their daily sacrifice.
Everyone remembers that day differently. I choose to remember the love shown that day, for hate fosters hate and love engenders love. Together the strength of that love will aid in our forging ahead and rebuilding Ground Zero to greater glory.
God bless America and our troops.
Loving stitches...
Giveaway Celebrating 100th Reader
It was important for me to giveaway something pertaining to the season. We are heading to Fall here in the Northeast, and Halloween is not far away.
2011 JCS Halloween Magazine
Jolee's by You - Pumpkin & Leaves Stickers
Coffee Bottomless Cup Cross Stitch kit
1 skein Sullivans Overdyed Almond Delight Floss
1 skein Overdyed Champagne Floss
1 skein Overdyed Pearl Cotton Cappuccino
Heart Shaped Sticky Notes
There you have it. I hope that you can see the picture clearly and that you like the items.
The Cappuccino overdyed Pearl Cotton is absolutely gorgeous!
So of course there are a couple of rules.
1.- Become a follower of my blog. Leave a comment only on this entry to be in drawing.
2. Let your friends know about this giveaway on your blog or facebook page. If you let me know that you have put my giveaway on your blog, you will get another entry.
If during this giveaway I reach 150 readers, I will add another item to the giveaway.
This giveaway is open to all parts of the world. Let your friends know especially if they are overseas. They will most likely not be able to find these items as easily.
Good Luck to everyone who enters!
Lucky stitches......
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
YAY!!!! Happy Dancing!!
You like me, yes, you like me :giggle: giggle. I am like a little girl thrilled with life.
Yay, a giveaway is coming to thank all my friends. I get to share some stash. I love sharing stash. Let me go and hunt for a few things. I thought was prepared for this moment but I am so happy, I can't pick clearly.
I will start the giveaway this weekend....stay tuned. If I am on your blogroll, you will see the giveaway as soon as it posts.
Hunting stitches.....
Friday, September 2, 2011
My review of 2011 JCS Halloween Collection
Links to my review on the shop blog are below. I did a page by page review. Savored it to the end, I did. Then I chose my favorite three.
It is pretty long, but I wanted to pay it the respect it deserved. Many designers poured hours into their craft to make the collection a success. I respect that. That is why I reviewed it in "real time".
If you have a chance, please take a looksie and share with me any comments and thoughts. Maybe even your favorite 3.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Happy reading!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
AccuQuilt on Sale
So, if you have been signing up for giveaway after giveaway for the AccuQuilt Go! Baby and haven't won, maybe the sale for the bigger version is right up your alley.
Speaking of giveaways, I am 24 followers shy of my next giveaway! Please let your friends know about my blog. I can't wait to meet them and share my stash!
Stitching and stashing stitches....
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Introducing ALICIA and my WIP
So, today as I walked toward the Halloween fabrics...BLINK, BLINK, BLINK... were my eyes deceiving me? I hadn't heard of any new Gingher releases other than TESSA which are coming soon, but faster than fast my legs rushed toward the peg wall and introduced myself to ALICIA and let her know she was coming home with me to be with her sisters.
She was a little more than I was looking to spend because I was "coupon-less" and our shops do not give you the coupon price without the coupon. (I always ask because I am always "coupon-less" and always get the same answer). But, I couldn't wait for the coupon or the sale because then they would be sold-out. Been there, done that LOTS of times and then I am at the mercy of eBay where I bid and bid and don't win. (Elena and a couple of others have slipped me by).
Afterward, I went to Michael's where I purchased a few educational aids for my daughter. Once I paid for them, I remembered, I own a gift card for Michael's that I haven't used in my pocketbook (yes, the one I had with me). Oh well, I'll use that one for my son once his school projects are given.
So there you have stash buying afternoon. What? What? You are waiting for pictures of ALICIA and my WIP????? Okay.... just because you asked so nicely.....
Alicia and my WIP
scissor handle is light teal, dark peacock flowers, a few green leaves, couple of scroll leaves
WIP: Freebie from Liselotte.
And for the quilters here is a picture of my pink stash. (of course only a miniscule amount of it).
Hope you have enjoyed your stay!
Friendly stitches....
Monday, August 29, 2011
Fixed It!
Unfortunately, I had to delete two blog entries because the html code was so messy and disconnected that in order to save the blog I had to sacrifice them. It was a tough decision because the entries had the most follower comments I had ever received and I thrive on them. But, as Spock said, "The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few." I did not want to transfer the blog to another blog program and then possibly lose even more entries.
I wanted to update you because your readership means a great deal to me. Soon, other entries with pictures will follow and the blog will be up-to-speed again.
Thanks for your patience,
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
WANTED: Unbiased Accuquilt Reviews
Hey there! Thanks for dropping by and spending some time with me!!
I have updated a few giveaways on my sidebar and let me tell you they get better and better every week. Stitchers are a generous bunch! Glad to be in such wonderful company.
If you have read my blog, you know that I read alot (stitch a little), collect even more, and love having giveaways.
Anywhoooo, through my blog-hopping, I have encountered countless Accuquilt giveaways and over-the-top reviews of a cutter that can do no wrong. Usually these reviews are from bloggers who have received an Accuquilt Go! Baby from Accuquilt and are having a free giveaway as well sponsored by Accuquilt.
So, I am looking for unbiased reviews of Accuquilt products. Have you used them? Do you like them? Would you buy them? What's the downside? If you have had any contact with one of the babies.... let me know via a comment. You would be helping lots of other stitchers who have the same question!!
Remember that I will have a giveaway once I reach 100 readers and then subsequent giveaways at each 50+ marker. If you are a new reader, I would be glad to trade blogroll space.
Curious stitches...
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Please help me grow... Blog Challenge
I enjoy blog reading and am so inspired by the creativity I see everyday in them. If you are also looking to expand your blog readership, I would love to trade blog links with you. Whether it is a quilting, cross stitch, knitting, crochet, tatting, weaving, patchwork, written in Spanish, English, French, Italian, Russian or any combination thereof, I would be glad to trade links and add yours on my blogroll on my side bar.
When I reach 100 readers and at every additional 50 reader mark, I will have a giveaway. My blog challenge for 2011 is to reach 500 readers.
Please leave me a comment on this entry with your blog address. Together we can help each other grow and meet lots of other bloggers with the similar interests.
Thanks for your support. I appreciate every single friend who reads my blog. Your comments make me very happy!!
Growing stitches to all ....
Friday, August 12, 2011
I'm In Love..... Shhhhhhhh!!!!!
People that know me know that they just have to start talking about European landmarks or travelling to get me to talk. I enjoy travelling very much. If exchanging money wasn't so expensive, I would be on a perpetual vacation. Friends that know me know that I am a wimp when it comes to collecting landmark souvenirs, fabrics, cross stitch charts, cutsie cartoon characters .... yeah that is me.
If Paddington Bear is at a train station with his luggage..... I am either bidding for it, entering a contest for it or hunting for it. (yeah, I got it... LOL).
Something else about me, even though I think it is over the top. I think that everything has feelings. I guess that I transfer the feelings of the creator to their creation. If I have nothing nice to say about something, after I bite my tongue enough so it bleeds, I say nothing at all. Yeah, sometimes my silence speaks volumes. Other times, I really have nothing to say. Anyway this is important because......
I really, truly go over the top with the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, the Pyramids everything, except the NYC landmarks. **Yes, yes, that is so horrible of me** I have been that way for a very long time. I have friends/family who go on and on about the Empire State Building and Central Park. I just can't find the honeymoon love-affair with it. Maybe it is because I take it for granted. I can go there whenever I want.
The only NYC landmark that I miss everyday is the World Trade Center. I used to work there for many years and knew people who were killed there. Ground Zero is in my heart and will always be. Holds a place like no other. I was there the Sunday before it came down and will always remember it.
Back to happier things.... soooo.... now that you know my souvenir / cross stitching / fabric weaknesses.... let me tell you about the place that I have fallen in love with.....
New York City! The other day I found the most beautiful fabrics depicting the Statue of Liberty, Grand Central Station, NYC taxis, Broadway and so many other NYC landmarks that I just fell in love with the city all over again. Now, I can't wait to go and look at the Empire State Building again!
By the way, there are a few places that I have been to that I think are the most beautiful on earth.... the nightime NYC skyline from the BQE breathtaking, especially when the Empire State building is lit up in colors. The Eiffel Tower, any day, any hour. Big Ben at night, Cinderella's Castle Disney World at night especially. There is one place on earth that I could watch all day and night... the Cathedral at Cologne. I could sit across the bridge and look at it all day. So peaceful there. I am sure that there are lots of other places I think beautiful, but those are the first that come to mind.
Yesterday I received a card from Parsley, I am in her pen-pal exchange. Thank you for the wonderful post card!! It touched me to see that you take such a personal interest in the exchanges that you moderate.
My penpal as well, sent me not just a card, but Weeks Dye Works flosses and her favorite cross stitch designs and I am just INCREDIBLY HUMBLED to have received such a wonderful package with some of my favorite WDW colors... Dophin was in there and I have loved that color for years. I was spoiled by her and I will pass on that generosity to the person that I am sending to. The ring of generosity will grow with me.
Gosh, I also have the quilting bug and I am seriously considering getting an Accuquilt Go! Baby because I ain't winning one LOL....(okay, I haven't entered any of the Accuquilt giveaways..... LOL). Anyway, I have a week's vacation coming up and it does not look like we are going away this time because things are just tooooo expensive. I may just take a CRAFTING VACATION. (hmmmmmmm.... that is a thought).
As you may know, I will have a giveaway when I reach 100 friendly readers. I am soooooo itching to have another one! Would you let your blogging friends know so I may reach 100 readers quicker? I have blogged almost 5 years and am averaging 12 readers a year.... *thanks for being my friendly reader* I never take you for granted.
Well, there you have it, the longest post I have ever written, I think. No pics, but at least you know me better (if you have read the whole thing).
Souvenir stitches.....
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
It's Happened....
My 12 year-old DS is taller than me. I think it happened a few months ago while he was 11, but the high heels kept me in denial. Bittersweet moment 3/4 of me is happy that he is getting taller and handsomer.... 1/4 of me is sad that I am the second shortest in my home.
Soon, I will have everyone sit in front of me while I stand, so I can feel tall again LOL....LOL...
Stitch away..
Saturday, August 6, 2011
It's 100 pages and is expected to arrive early September just in time for Halloween stitching. I already see a few favorites on the cover that I would like to stitch. Do you?
The Stitcher's Market is having a great pre-order sale that you may be interested in. They are also pre-ordering the Gingher's Tessa scissors, so if you are interested in those let them know.
Here is a picture of the Tessa, new Gingher scissor due out around September:
Those are gorgeous aren't they? I have managed through the years to get a few Gingher's in my collection. Still, I am missing a lot of them. Maybe one day, I will be able to find the older ones at a reasonable price. Sometimes eBay prices are just not reasonable for my budget.
Sharing the sale with my friends here because you never know when info comes in handy.
Finally put in a couple of stitches on a freebie I just had to stitch! That is a great feeling!
Stitch, stitch.....
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Dixie Samplar is still Blogging! (Giveaway)
So head on down there and let her know that you are happy she is back online.
Thanks for passing by today and becoming a friendly follower. When I get to 100 friendly followers, I will have a fabulous giveaway!
Hope to get some stitching pics up in the next few days.
Good luck to all who enter the giveaways I have posted. If you are a winner, please come back and let us know.
Lucky stitches to all!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Three Cross Stitch Giveaways!!!
If you like my listing the giveaways that I find while blog reading, please let me know by leaving a comment below. I enjoy hearing from you and reading your blog. I reciprocate blogroll listings and love to share my enthusiasm of needlework with everyone. It would make me very happy to have many blog friends. At 100 blog friends, I will have a wonderful giveaway!!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Welcome Amy! My sponsor....
Monday, August 1, 2011
A Third Accuquilt Go! Baby Giveaway!!!
I have found a third Accuquilt giveaway. These little fabric cutters are HOT HOT HOT. The more I see them, the more I want one
Love to hear from you if you are reading my blog.
Good luck to all!!
A Second Accuquilt Go! Baby Giveaway
Most of all hoping that at least one of my friends who read my blog win a wonderful Accuquilt Go! Baby. Here is another giveaway for one of the hottest fabric cutters around.
I have listed the ongoing giveaways on the right side of my blog.
I appreciate any "Hi's" "Hello's". They really make me happy!! If you would like to follow my blog, I promise to have a wonderful giveaway when I reach 100 friend followers.
Good luck!!
Accuquilt Go Baby Giveaway
Saturday, July 30, 2011
There is a quilt in me
Obviously there is a quilt inside of me trying to get out..... I just don't get why I can't even cut a straight line. Forget the fact that 1/4 seams evade me like a vampire does garlic. I have the hand sewing irregular seams part down. LOL. I tried the paper piecing and I think I am going to give it another try.
Guess I am a quilting wannabe who will continue to try to get it right until that quilt comes out. Who knows, maybe another will follow....
If practice makes better, then I want to be the best I can be.
Again, I thank you for your comments. If you pass by, please say 'Hi". It means a great deal to me.
Make every stitch count..... ::smile::
Friday, July 8, 2011
Played around with fonts on the blog because, friends I must confess, I can barely see the little letters. So I made them bigger and darker. Got me learning a bit more about the Blogger Dashboard for sure.
Looked at my archived articles and noticed that 2010 was an incredibly quiet year for me. Now to get the stitching started. Hmmmmmm.
Thanks to all my friends that read my blog. May today be a great day for you!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
It's Go! Baby (Accuquilt) giveaway time at:
Hurry on up .... click click....
Good luck!!
Still Another Giveaway
Here is the link:
So, if this is your first visit to my blog, please leave a comment and follow me so you can get the latest giveaway information. If you have a giveaway that you want to tell my part of the world email me or leave a message on this post.
This is the list of ongoing giveaways that I have posted this week. I will most likely start a section on the side of my blog, so everyone can see them easily.
We stitchers are a generous group.... inspires me to see all the giveaways!
Good luck to all participants!
Parsley's Giveaway
Here is the link:
You are really going to enjoy her giveaway
3 Just Cross Stitch Christmas Ornament issues
5 Little House Needleworks Ornament Charts
Christmas Pins from Just Another Button Company
& a LIMITED EDITION Christmas bag of floss from Sampler Threads/The Gentle Art
WOWZA ....... right???????
Good luck to all who participate and don't forget the other two giveaways I have posted earlier this week on this blog.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Another July Giveaway
If you are reading my posts participating in these giveaways, please let me know. I appreciate your posts as I am feeling a bit lonely. I sit here and thnk of how can make my blog better for all of us. I appreciate any constructive tips.
Have a stitchy day!
Spotlight Blog: It's Daffycat
Monday, July 4, 2011
If you sign up on their blog and let people on your blog / Facebook page know about the giveaway, plus "LIKE" then on Facebook, you can get up to 3 chances for the kit.
Go and check them out:
Happy Fourth of July stitching........
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Happy Fourth

Not much stitching to show these days..... hopefully soon I will get my mojo back.
Happy stitching.......
Saturday, June 18, 2011
New blog
Trying to stitch away.....
Monday, March 28, 2011
Getting back in the swing of things...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Crocheting, Thinking & Taking Care of the Kids
Crocheting because I want to have a stack of pretty blankets for my daughter. A dream of mine is to have at least 4 - 6 stacked like you see them in the baby leaflets. Working on the first.
Thinking about vacation and what I want in life too. A lot of my crafting friends are really crafty and I know I have a lot to give to the crafting community too. I want to find where I fit in so I can make it a bigger part of my life.
Thoughts of retirement entered my mind today. Shocker, the dollars that one is supposed to retire with are very little compared to the price of things these days. How do people do it? I always thought that as generations progress, things are supposed to get better. Today as I travelled and saw store after store closed and for rent, I almost cried. I don't think that the economy is getting better. Everything is getting more expensive every day. Sales aren't even sales these days.
Taking care of the kids. That says it all. Watching them grow and be funny. Teaching them and hoping that someday they will know and feel how much I love them.
Twisting stitches.....
Saturday, March 12, 2011
It's Science Fair Time
I always come out with really nice display ideas, and I trust that I will at the end, but the journey is not an enjoyable one especially when time runs short and my son just stares at me. My hope is that I am imparting some knowledge to my son regarding the creative process and putting things together in a pleasant way. Let's just say my son does not get the "pretty / asethetic " idea. He is more of a "Let's do it and the pieces will fall where they may," type. Well, he is still a kid, so we have time to develop "color coordination / and neatness skills." LOL. I bet when he starts liking girls he will become VERY color co-ordinated and extremely neat. LOL.
Other than the display, not much creativity going on around here. Getting over my upper respiratory infection finally and hoping the headache I have now is not the brewing of a sinus infection.
Definitely looking forward to stitching or crocheting at least for an hour. Okay, picking up a needle will do. NCIS marathon is on and although I do enjoy it, I am getting a bit tired of seeing the same episodes over and over again.
This week I saw a repeat of an old episode of MONK that I had never seen before. That was a treat because I like Monk. Dectective series always strike me in good ways.
The Event started last week and I can't believe I missed the Season Premiere. Thankfully, NBC does post them on their website so I caught up quickly. V is another series that I am following this year. I remember when V came out decades ago and I saw everyone of those first-run episodes. Yes, I am one of those people who can still sing the Magilla Gorilla song from memory because I saw the first-run comic episodes. I still remember Penelope Woodstock and all the wonderful vintage animated programs.
If you are a Cityville player, you know that many people are upset about the recent changes regarding imposed energy limits. This makes Cityville even more challenging now especially since I only get on at nighttime during the weekend.
Well, I hope to find a cross stitch magazine or two leaf through. There are a few cross stitch charts that have come across from the Nashville market that are on my must have list. But, let's be real for a minute. Will I stitch them? I should in all reality stitch from my stash this year, so I can make room for more. Right?
At least I am blogging more which is a far cry from my past few months.
Scientific stitches.....
Friday, March 11, 2011
Our hearts go out to Japan
Peaceful stitches
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I'm Baaaack!
I can't remember what movie that is from or who said it, but that is the truth. I am back. I thought I would have blogged more last year, but sadly I didn't. Thankfully, this is a new day!
Did you see I changed my blog's background? I love chefs in white chef hats and their European aura.
Wow, almost a year has passed since my last post. Life has gone on and thankfully DD is sleeping through the night. Yes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel for all those moms who wonder if they will ever sleep again. Now, stitching may be another story.
Lately, I have been passing the time by reading stitcher's blogs and playing Zynga games.
I really like Cityville a lot and try to rank up as much as I can.
A few days ago, I pulled from my magazine stash a few Celebrations magazines. The USA gals who have stitched for decades will know those. I still have to look through them, but you know I will savor every page. My daughter has found my stitching magazines to be her passion also. I guess I am passing my stitching / collecting fever down rather quickly. We will sit together and turn page by page. She enjoys looking at the pictures and points at all the pretty things. How adorable.
Other than that it has been work, work and work. The winter here has been very harsh this year. I am seriously thinking of moving to a warmer climate where the quality of life may be better for me. My lungs are not as young as my mind thinks I am. LOL.
Well, I will stop by tomorrow and post a few pics of my WIPS.
May all your stitching wishes come true.