Sunday, March 29, 2009
A Whole New World
Today, I went to pick up some items for a few upcoming exchanges when I heard FIMO clay packs calling my name. I picked up a few because I am looking to try my hand at making clay buttons. There are a few that just entice me so and I want to try my hand at the craft.
I think that what sold me was the clay pasta maker's price. It was on sale and I could not turn it down. What can I say????? Soon I will be creating little buttons for my stitching. Yippeeeee!!!
Other than that, I am crocheting like a madwoman. Many, many years ago my best friend asked me for a scarf. These days I am crocheting it for her because it is only right. I feel very badly that it has taken me this long, but I can't wait to finish it and mail it to her. I wish I could be there to see her face opening it, unfortunately she lives on the other side of the United States, so I will just have to be happy knowing that I did the right thing.
Karma-like stitches.......
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Spotlight ***Danybrod Blog ***
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Another "LOST" Theory
What if Widmore goes back to the island, finds his younger self and gives him the Black Rock journal that the older Widmore won at the auction in the episode "The Constant"? Then the younger Widmore would be able to know things that the older Widmore was not privy to at the time of his banishment.
Just putting that theory out there because I think since Widmore does know Eloise, he would be able to get back somehow.
Mystery stitches.....
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My Exchange Piece for Lucy
side view
Alphabet from Better Homes and Garden

c. Mary Hickmott
New Stitches Magazine
stitched with Weeks Dye Works
retired color Hydrangea
This morning I received an email from Lucy that she loved all of the items that I mailed to her.
That is so stress relieving. The piece was mailed to her two days after I finished stitching it because I was falling in love with it more and more and it was getting harder to let it go. LOL.
It is thrilling to know that my first attempt at a pinkeep was a great hit with Lucy.
Thanks for stopping by..... happy stitches to all
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
It's Multiplied....

Who knew, they were like rabbits?? I just couldn't stop and there they are. If one of my 2009 goals was to stitch a Christmas Ornament a month, well I have caught up.
All day I have been watching golf. I know, I know..... real exciting stuff. When I was younger, I could not understand for the life of me why people would watch others walk and walk and walk while hitting a ball. Now, I am one of the watchers.
Another thing that I was able to do today was surf on the net looking for new ideas and I found a few designer, Fabby Reilly . Some of you already know about her because lots of her biscorni are popping up on biscornu sites. Surely, I will order a couple of her items next month as I purchased a few things yestday :))
In a few days my first Prairie Schooler chart will arrive, Santas and Snowmen along with Twisted Heart by Ink Circles.
A shout out to all my followers. Thank you for coming and reading. I know that I type it often, but I really mean it..... your reading motivates me to everyday.
Inspirational stitches to all .........
Saturday, March 14, 2009
When will Spring Arrive??
There you have it, not a pretty picture, but the reality of what is going on in my home. The little one has been sick in what seems like forever. Already 3 days of school missed and the fever rages on.
The coughing which almost made me run for the hills has now become white noise. Just another noise in the background. It comes in sets of three. Once I hear 5 or six in a row I know about 10 more are coming. It seems that the little one has lost wieght or is toning up the midsection with all the coughing, either way, everytime I look, I can almost swear someone has grown taller. Soon, very soon, I fear, I will be the shortest one in the house.
I also want to thank you for stopping by and reading my little blog. It means a great deal to me that seven people have decided to follow my adventures. Thought you should know that that I appreciate every visit and every kind comment you leave behind. It keeps me motivated to blog as much as possible.
Kind stitches to all .....
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Lookie, Lookie. What do we have here??
This little chart stole my heart and before I knew it I had already stitched it."

Joy, Love and Peace
c. Sweet Nothings, "Christmas Treasures II
Don't know how I will "finish" it, but I like it very much. It is the first of this type of design for me. I love the way that it stitches up quickly. Gives me the feeling of accomplishment.
Quick stitching .....
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A Little Stashing does the Spirit Good.....
I may have spoken of my LNS here before, can't remember, but is a great place to go to when the stashing urge strikes. It's a fairly new shoppe, maybe two years old and it is a boon to us because it is the only one around. I know, I know, you can't believe it....but it is true. We in the New York City area went a LONG time without one.
The owner is a really nice lady who treats her customers and doesn't ignore you like some other shopkeepers do. I love her fiber wall because I get to see the thread colors up close and personal and that makes a great difference. That wall has only helped to turn me into a Weeks Dye Works addict and when I buy them I buy multiples of one color. This week, Cross Stitch Queen, has selected # 1161 Hydrangea as her personal favorite. For a few weeks, Eucalyptus was my favorite to the point where I have a half dozen in my stash waiting for that perfect project. Don't worry, I only have 4 of the Hydrangea....
Her fabbies are delish and I simply adore her curio where she displays the scissors and all those accessories that I would love to have. She carries all the lastest rage of charts and although I don't always fall into range, I have lots of trading partners that do, so its a great place to go and pick up goodies for them.
My latest haul looked like this:

Not the biggest haul, but a quality haul. I got my WDW and sneaked in a Crescent Threads too. Something that is VERY NEW for me is the HOB NOBB design, "Winter is Over". It is not the design that did it for me, because I am not too into it
Another item that is new for me is the JBW design "Christmas Keepsakes II", in my mind I kept seeing all the exchange blogs with the really simple, but charming Christmas ornaments and thought, "I can do that and make it elegant too".
Other than that the owner must think I have ADD, but in reality I have CADD, (Crafters Attention Deficit Disorder), because I did not now where to go first, or second just looking at all the wonderful things in the shop. I would be in the front, then go to the back just to go to the front again then I would think of my friends who would love this design, and my friends who stitched that design and go to the fiber wall...... What is a girl to do when at the MECCA of cross stitch ????
For all the ladies who are stitching holiday ornaments.... Holiday stitches......
For the rest of us who just want to stitch ..... Stitching wishes......
Sunday, March 8, 2009
A Finish !!!!!!!
The plan is to post the exchange sometime this week or this weekend. Since it is a "Winter" exchange best that I go to the post office soon before Spring rolls around.
Due to my placing all my attention to Lucy's piece, my Disney Neighborhood has felt a bit neglected..... but not to fear, a couple of Disney movie viewings and a bit of Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho's and it will be back to stitching on it I go.
Once Lucy receives the item, I will definitely post pictures of this beauty. You can count on it.
Sleepy stitches........
Saturday, March 7, 2009
A Special Award

What a wonderful honor to receive an award from my stitching "sister" Lucy at . I can still remember when we met and started learning how to develop webpages. We have come a long way.....
The first part of this award asks that the recipient list 8 things that they wish for. Here are mine:
- Peace, quiet and open air to pass my leisure time stitching away.
- World peace. Don't we all need some?
- Spend a weekend with my friend Lucy chatting and "shopping" in Europe.
- Lots of quality family time to spend with my loved ones.
- A better world economy. Ours is not too healthy right now.
- To learn everything I can everyday.
- To keep a sense of awe about the world and have the chance to experience more of it with my family.
- A cure for all fatal illnesses like terminal cancer so everyone may be able to live life to its fullest and enjoy it pain free.
Now comes the harder part. I must pass it on to 10 other bloggers. I will do so in a later post, so I will have time to compile a list. Til then......
Keep on stitching.....
Monday, March 2, 2009
Spotlight *** Claudia's Cross Stitch Blog ***
What is a cross-stitch addict to do at home on a day like this??? Well, I am smiling from ear to ear and I am also reading blogs and reading more blogs and thinking about stitching the wonderful stash I have at home. Who wouldn't after seeing so many beautiiiiiiiiful things that my sister stitchers have created.
So, as I surfed and skimmed, I had a chance to take my time and really immerse myself in a blog which kept me reading and reading and reading. Very inspiring crafts"woman"ship and awesome stitching. Without further ado I am spotlighting on my blog today: