Thursday, April 30, 2009
Making Time -- Chasing Rainbows (LOST)
Well, I felt badly for Daniel, what a life always trying to please mom and never doing so. Or did he? Was she really proud and couldn't show it because she knew what his fate / destiny would be? As a mother, myself, if I think if I were in that situation, I would try everything that I could and more to change things. Maybe she did and we don't know about it.
Either way, I think that two things which are the most important points of this episode ("The Variable") deal with Daniel and his comment while playing the piano as a youngster, "I can make time". I think that his unstable mental state is due to his "making time". Remember when he says that he experimented on himself? It is my belief that he was the "bright person" who developed the pendulum at the Lamppost station.
The piano song that he plays both as a youngster and an adult, "Chasing Rainbows" is key here..... is he "chasing rainbows"? Maybe? Will he find them? Maybe not.
Now, it seems to be that Jack is the key to the past, and Locke is the key to the future. Jack may take up Daniel's cause and try to change the past. All in all it seems that Ellie is a very single-minded, and inflexible person (to put it in a nice way). Others may call her a B****, but this is a family blog, so I refrain from using such accurate language.
We are headed to the ending of Season 5 and then a few hours of Season 6 will hopefully fill in all the gaps and maybe just maybe the plane will overfly the island and land at LAX. Then, all of the passengers disembark none being the wiser and the time loop will have been broken. Yup, I am still of the time loop camp.
Anyway, those are my thoughts. I have not read any of the LOST blogs yet, so I don't know if other followers are thinking the same thing.
Lost stitches.....
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Congratulations!!!!! Shay on winning 12 flosses!!!
Lucky Sunday stitching to all.......
Thursday, April 16, 2009
ends April 30, 2009
Cross Stitch Queen's Giveaway
ends April 18, 2009
let everyone you know to enter.
All you have to do is leave a message on the giveaway post.
This is a great one if you can stitch fast and you like French things.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Nina's Giveaway
Seems to be the time for giveaways!!
I want to welcome my newest scissor: the bronze art deco scissor below. A wonderful internet friend was gracious enough to find it for me. Thank you Claudia. You can tell it fit in beautifully with its sisters.
Nina's blog is gorgeous and her scissor collection is impressive. Her needlework is very creative and she finishes her items very professionally.
I guess the next collection I should start working on are scissor fobs. Thanks to my friend Claudia, I have my first handmade scissor fob. Pictures will definitely follow.

Good Luck to all who enter Nina's giveaway
Don't forget my floss giveaway too!!
Lucky stitches to all
What lies in the Shadow of the Statue?? LOST post
The Lamp Post lies in the shadow of the statue. If that is true then Eloise Hawking would be the third party to the endgame. Lots of bloggers are thinking that Eloise would be the third party leader..... but, I have not heard anyone say that "The Lamp Post" is the answer to Ilana's and Bram's riddle.
I am also guessing that Miles may help his father during the incident and may die with his father. That would make him the loved character that dies in this season. (Lots of rumors about this death on all the blogs and I believe that Miles is one of the characters that is on that "death list") It is my guess that Miles is the character that goes to the afterlife.
Well, those are my first and most fresh ideas.......
For all the LOST stitchers...... Namaste
Sunday, April 12, 2009
My 1st PIF -- Giveaway
Many months ago a wonderful stitcher offered me a magazine which contained a chart I was searching for. I promised her I would repay her kindness by having a PIF.

Set of six (6) DMC flosses. Colors are 779, Ecru, 53, 930, B5200 and 152. The DMC pictured above are the flosses that are up for this contest. Floss colors for all prizes are my choice. I will not duplicate any colors. No substitutions, please.
Level 1:
Anyone can enter ONCE. One entry per person. I will mail floss anywhere in the world. You will need to leave a comment on this post.
Level 2:
Followers of my blog will be allowed two entries as long as you leave a comment on this post.
Level 3:
If you have a blog, please let your followers know about this PIF if you win, I will add an additional 3 flosses to the prize. That means you will receive 9 flosses.
Level 4:
If you have a blog, let your followers know about this PIF, and list me on your bloglist, if you win I will add an additional 3 flosses to the prize. That means you will receive 12 flosses as your prize if you win.
To give everyone an chance to enter this PIF, I will draw the winner on Saturday, April 18th 2009.
If you qualify to win extra flosses, please leave the prize level you are aiming for on your comment (blog address, and post showing where you have passed the word on of this PIF).
Good luck stitches to all.......
Happy Easter
Saturday, April 11, 2009
2009 Christmas Theme
My past color themes have been: 2008 white and blue, 2007 white and red.
As of today, I have stitched FOUR (4) Joy, Love Peace ornaments by JBW designs in green and red on Ivory jobelan. I will stitch more of those on Lambswool jobelan and reverse the pattern colors along with the hue of the green and the red.
It is my hope to stitch twelve (12) of the "Joy, Love, Peace" ornaments so I may hang them on an evergreen tree swag. I will also stitch variations and hang them on my ornament tree. That is where the other joy, love, peace ornies come in.
Preparing for this I have been lucky to find Joan Elliot's Joy, Peace, Love designs that were published in a Crafts 'n Things magazine last year. Those are designed in blue, but I will color convert to green.
There is another Christmas ornie that I am looking to purchase from Fabby Reilly. I have my eye on the Christmas Star.... that would look GREAT on top of my ornament tree..... Let's see what happens.......
Early holiday stitches to all.....
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Spring has Arrived / Summer Vacation Thoughts
- 10 day Disney World vacation - (no dog)
- 7 day European vacation - (no dog)
- Canadian vacation - (with dog)
- Stay home, the economy is really bad (with dog)
I would like to know what you think. Please leave a comment on this post.
Thinking of Summer vacation stitching ..........