"Two sticks, a dash, a birthday cake with a stick going down" was a code for 9/11. A date that doesn't need a year after it because it was the day terror knocked at our door. How could we forget the face of evil? Since 9/12, I think it is more important remember the faces of the heroes, their families and the love and strength they give us everyday.
We see their faces and hear of them daily when there is talk of their children, or in my instance when I talk to friends of that day and inevitably find out that we had friends in common who suffered great losses that day. On anniversaries we read or hear of the last calls they made. Of the ones we know, most were words of love. They called their parents, wives, husbands, children, friends to say " I love you." Even amidst great fear of the unknown, they felt and wanted to share love.
"And now these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is love."
I Corinthians 13:13.
Simultaneously heroes were on their way to rescue those in need. I truly believe that much love for humanity must have existed within all the responders of that day. For "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. " John 15:13
While I was shaking in fear on 9/11 holding my son thinking that my husband had perished, fear overtook me. When he returned that late afternoon, relief flooded through me. We walked ouside together, smelled and tasted the grit in the air like a meal. Days after, a smell lingered in the air everywhere we went.
Tragedy brought a great deal more of love and unity on that day than any hate could. Lots of love along with the unity of humanity was felt on that day. We are still rising from the ashes day by day. Those that perished give us their love and strength every day for us to continue and enjoy life. I prefer to think they want to be remembered for the love that they gave.
I am friends with one of the first responders and it never ceases to amaze me the peace and the love he has in his heart. These days he suffers from alot of ailments due to the inhaled dust. But, he would not have done anything differently that day. He still works everyday and loves his family and friends greatly.
So today, ten 9/11's later I have faith that we will rise from the ashes stronger than before, I hope that my children never have to live through such devastation again, and feel the love the heroes and their families offer us every day through their daily sacrifice.
Everyone remembers that day differently. I choose to remember the love shown that day, for hate fosters hate and love engenders love. Together the strength of that love will aid in our forging ahead and rebuilding Ground Zero to greater glory.
God bless America and our troops.
Loving stitches...
WIPS into 2025
1 week ago
That couldn't have been more beautifully said!
Beautiful...absolutely beautiful!
Thank you.
I love that you remember the love shown that day, for that will defeat the terrorists even more, that we remain strong in our faith and patriotism. Beautifully said!! Thank you for visiting my blog and for your comment. *Hugs*
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